Project Blog: The excretory system (10/19-10-23)
Here is my groups' poster about the excretory system The project: Miss J. assigned each group a body system. We were supposed to write and answer interview questions , write and present a compelling argument , draw a poster with our body system on it, and write an acceptance speech that we would present if we won the Oscars. This project was based on the Oscars. We made it sound pretty professional, and each group was competing against each other. At the end of all of the body systems' presentations we are going to vote which body system is the most important and should win the Oscars. Summary: (Briefly explain what you learned) In this project I learned a lot about the urinary system which is scientifically called the excretory system. The main parts of the excretory system are the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder, the urethra, and the sphincter. The kidneys filter the blood. They take the waste out of the blood turning it into urine, a...