Digital Citizenship Pledge

As a Digital Citizen, I pledge to:

Keeping personal information safe:

  1. Keep my account safe by putting in no personal information that could cause harm to me, my friends, and everyone at this school. I could prevent harm if I check that there is a lock icon on the web browser. This would mean that my account including my password will be safe.
  2. Also, if we are creating passwords, I will chose a username and password that would be hard to hack.
  3. I will always log out, and shut down my computer so nobody can get to my account and change anything.
  4. I will also never tell anyone what my password is, even if I think I could trust them because they could change something really important that could do a lot of damage.

Keeping my location private:

  1. I won't use any social websites at school when I am not supposed to because they show the locations, time, and day you post pictures which can be really dangerous.

Online gaming sites:

  1.  I will not use any online gaming sites at school if I am not told to because somebody who is also playing this game can say something that can hurt me, and the people at this school as well.
  2. I will not click on random links that people online give me because they most likely can do harm to the computers, or to the school network such as viruses.

Rules to follow:

  1. I will not share any information about me on any websites because then anyone can access it which means they can access email, adress, and in the worst scenario, they could find my family's and friends band account.
  2. If I do post something online outside of school, I will make sure that there is nothing inappropriate on it, or anything that could cause harm to other people in my class, or in this school.
  3. I will also make sure that if I send a picture online outside of school, that there is not the school that I go to in the picture, and that it does not show any street addresses or house numbers or anything that would help somebody figure out where I am.

Copyright and Fair Use:

  1. I will not freely take somebody's images or text without giving credit to the owner of the picture, or getting permission from the owner. I will also use these images and text responsibly, and for a purpose.
  2. When I use this text and images, I will make sure to make it more like my style with a new idea instead of using the original idea because then it is copying work.
  3. I will also think twice before taking and image without giving credit to the owner, or checking who the owner is and what their idea was.

Mindful Messaging:

  1. While writing something on Edmodo, schoolloop, google classroom, or any other messaging site that we use at school, I will make sure that I write something that people will understand from a message, and so people don't take my message a different way than I meant to say.
  2. I will also make sure that I don't just say something such as "hi" because that is not helpful to what is happening in class, and it is not on topic.

Cyber Bullying:

  1. If somebody cyber bullies me, I will tell somebody immediately and ignore the texts.
  2. I would definitely not respond because the person who is bullying me will just want attention from it.
  3. I will never try to cyber bully anybody because it is really mean and can hurt somebodies feelings and make them uncomfortable.
  4. Cyber bullying is really a bad thing to do. Sometimes it can even be worse than telling somebody something straight into their face because here, you know the person. You don't know that they look like so you can tell somebody. It really is dangerous.

Digital Etiquette:

  1. I will follow all of the rules, and be nice online.
  2. I will never forget that what I am typing online should be something that I would say in real life
  3. I will always re-read what I write on edmodo, classroom and schoolloop so the message is clear.


  1. I will always observe, respect, and hontribute when people need help.
  2. When people are having trouble with cyber bullying, then I will help them out like the webonauts did.
  3. Helping people out is really important, and I will always do that.


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