The Muscular System 10/5-10/9



This week we were learning about the muscular system. We watched a video which was related to the topic and then we had to answer a question. The question was: "How do the muscular system and the skeletal system work together?" Well, read my blog carefully and pay attention to the skeletal muscles! 

Well, first you need to know that you have over 600 muscles. You have three different types of muscles. There are skeletal muscles, smooth muscles, and cardiac muscles. They are either voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary means that you can control when the muscle moves and involuntary is that the muscle does its job without you telling it to. For example, when you breathe, you are using your involuntary muscles. When you are putting your hands in the air like you just don't care you are using your voluntary muscles. 

Your skeletal muscles give you power and strength. They are voluntary muscles. (That means that you can decide when you move them.) They control all of your movement. (Walking, running, raising your hand, etc.) When you think about moving, your brain sends a message to the muscle to move. Then you move the body part that you wanted to move. Your skeletal muscles are attached to bones. They work in pairs called flexors and extensors. One muscle flexes and the other extends, that is how they move the bone. For example, the muscles in your arm are called biceps and triceps. The bicep in on the to and the triceps in on the bottom

Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles. They do their job without being told. They control your breathing, digestion and some of your other functions. You can find smooth muscles in your stomach, intestines, and in your bladder. Without your smooth muscles it would be hard to live. YOur stomach muscles tighten and relax so the food can get digested.

Your cardiac muscles keep your heart beating. They are also involuntary muscles. They form a wall around your heart. Your heart is the only muscle that works without stopping. Try opening and closing your hand 80 times a minute,all day and night, for all of your life. That is how hard your heart works for you. You can help your heart by eating healthy food and exercising.  

All three types of muscles are really important. That is why you need to know about them. Now you know what each muscle does for you. You can build your muscles by Exercising, eating healthy foods with protein (eggs, meat, yogurt, milk, peanut butter, tofu, beans, etc.) Have you figured out how the muscular and skeletal system work together yet? I hope you have!


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