Energy - Weekly Blog (2/4-2/8)

Kinetic vs. Potential Leadership by Ryan Search and Consulting


We have all heard of energy. But what is the difference between potential and kinetic energy? Potential energy is known as energy that is waiting. It is energy that is stored until it can be converted into a form of kinetic energy. An object has potential energy if it is not in motion, but is above the ground. Types of potential energy include gravitational, chemical, nuclear, elastic, and electric.The equation for potential energy is mgh where 'm' is the mass (typically in kilograms), 'g' is the gravitational acceleration (which would be 9.8 m / s2 at the Earth's surface." Finally, 'h' is the height (typically in meters.)

Kinetic energy is energy in motion. This means that if you kick a soccer ball, the energy that was potential when it was not moving is now transferred to kinetic energy when the ball is in motion. An object will have the same the same kinetic energy if the velocity is staying the same. The equation for kinetic energy is 1/2 m v² where 'm' is the mass of an object, and 'v' is the velocity of an object. The velocity greatly affects the kinetic energy, Kinetic energy is measured in Joules.

SP2: Developing and Using Models

This week, we used models to represent the location of the highest potential and kinetic energy. We then used the formulas to calculate the potential and kinetic energies on our roller coaster. We used models to help explain how different factors can affect the energy acting on an object, and how the potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy when the object starts moving. By using models, it was much easier to see how the height, mass, and velocity have a major role in the potential and kinetic energy of an object.

XCC: Structure and Function

As we create our roller coasters, the structure and function play a big impact on the movement of our marble. This week in class, I observed a structure and function relationship in the potential and kinetic energy of an object. The structure and placement of the tubing on our roller coaster affect the function or movement of the marble in the roller coaster. It also affects the energy and the various factors that affect it. By learning about the structure and function relationship in this roller coaster project, I have learned more about how potential and kinetic energy are affected by various factors.


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