The Carbon Cycle (3/20-3/24) Summary: This week, we learned about the carbon cycle. The carbon cycle is a process that carbon travels in. There are six reservoirs or places that carbon travels in. G reenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide are dangerous because they are in our atmosphere and are causing the planet to become warmer. In other words, greenhouse gasses create an extra layer (like a blanket) in the atmosphere. This is because humans have burned so much fuel that there is about 30% more carbon dioxide than there was about 150 years ago. On the other hand, without greenhouse gasses, the Earth would be a frozen world. The six reservoirs are soil, the atmosphere, surface water, deep ocean, marine life, and land plants. 5,000 megatons of carbon are released into the atmosphere as fossils fuels are burned each year. When carbon is in the atmosphere, it is added with two oxygen atoms and becomes ...