The Three States of Matter 1/25- 1/29
Link Link Summary What is matter? Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Three forms that matter can be in are solids, liquids, and gases. You can change one form of matter into a different form. Read on to find out more. Some properties of matter: How it... Looks (shiny, black, colorful, dull, etc.) Feels (smooth, sharp, rough, bumpy, etc.) Smells (good, sweet, bad, rotten, etc.) Sounds (loud, quiet, echo, soft, etc.) What it Does (rolls, bounces, walks, crawls, etc.) One state of matter is a solid. Some examples of solids are pencils, books, computers, etc. A solid is a matter that has a size that always stays the same. The shape cannot change, and it does not take the shape of its container. Do you think an ice cube is a solid? Another type of matter is a liquid. Some examples of liquids include juice, water, milk, rain, etc. A liquid takes the shape of any...