
Showing posts from December, 2015

Charity Fair Project Blog

This is my group's charity fair poster Summary:  From this year's charity fair I learned that it is really fun, and important to help people that really need help. Another thing that I learned was that I will learn from this year's charity fair, for the next years' charity fair. Another thing that I learned is that the prices of the items/products can't be too expensive. There are quite a few thing that I learned for next year, but you will learn more about that in Forward Looking. What my group did at the charity Fair: During the charity fair, my friends and I were saving money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation . To make the money, we were selling woven goods (scarves, bracelets, headbands, and pompoms.) For the scarves, some of the bracelets, and the headbands, we used finger knitting. We made $36.75 for the charity that we chose. The assignments that we had to do for the charity fair were, a carbon footprint graph, a persuasive writing ess...

The Water Cycle

Image Summary: This week we were learning about the water cycle. A water cycle (aka The Hydrologic Cycle) is water moving in a cycle. Similar to a butterfly's life cycle. Read the story below. Can you figure out who I am?  Once upon a time, It was raining, and I fell to the dirt. I was hoping that I would evaporate, but instead I got absorbed by plants' roots. That part did not feel good. Then the plants started sweating, and I got to the leaves of the plants and started rising to the clouds. It was really cold & moist in there! The cloud became heavy, so it let go of me, and I landed in the ocean. The ocean was a pretty nice place. There were a lot of my friends there, which I got connected to. There were a lot of organisms there too. I stayed in the ocean for a really long time, watching the food chains happening before my eyes. After a while I started getting really bored. One day, when it was super hot, I felt ...

The Atmosphere (9/30-10/4)

Summary: The atmosphere is made up of many gases that act as a shield for the Earth, and let life exist. The higher you go in the atmosphere, the less pressure there is. Gravity holds the whole atmosphere together.   The atmosphere is made out of 4 different layers, and different things happen in each one. Read on to find out more… The layer of the atmosphere that is the closest to the ground is the troposphere. This is the only layer that weather happens in. This is because this layer has most of the water vapor (gas) that evaporates. Life can only live in this layer of the atmosphere. This is where the clouds form. (Part of the water cycle) The next layer is the stratosphere. (Strato-means layer.) In the stratosphere there is the ozone layer. The ozone layer absorbs a lot of the sun’s harmful radiation, that is why we should try harder to protect it. The radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer. Things that...