Life In Space - Weekly Blog (5/20-5/24)
The Solar System by Sea and Sky There are many things astronomers look for when finding life in space. The first and most important step is to look for other planets. Just because you may find a new planet does not mean it meets all requirements for life. To find other planets, scientists use two methods, the transit method, and the Doppler technique. The first method, called the transit method, is when scientists look in changes of brightness in stars. This change in brightness occurs when a planet orbits in front of it. It is easier to see a change for larger planets because they have a larger mass in front of the star. The next technique, known as the Doppler technique, occurs when we see a change in velocity of the star. The planet's gravity moves the star, which is called a 'wobble.' When looking for habitable planets, scientists look in something known as the habitable zone. This is where liquid water could be possible. The closer a planet is to the star it i...