Evidence for Evolution - Weekly Blog (10/22-10/28)

File:Homology vertebrates-en.svg by Волков Владислав Петрович

Evolution is a change in heritable traits in a population over various generations. But how do we know that evolution has taken place? Comparative Anatomy, Embryology and Development, Fossil Record, DNA comparisons, and Morphology are all ways that we can use evidence to see whether evolution has taken place. Comparative Anatomy includes the various similarities and differences between living things. For example, we can compare the bone structure of a human, vs, the bone structure of a whale. Next, Embryology and Development is how species can develop before, and after birth. For example, humans are very similar to many other species before birth, however, after birth, you can spot many differences. Fossil Record includes much various observation of organisms that have lived in the past. By looking at fossil records of dinosaurs, we can find species that are closely related to them. Next, DNA comparisons are when we compare the similarities in the DNA. If the DNA is very similar, the more closely related. Finally, morphology is the changes in physical characteristics. This may include bone structure and more. As you can see, evidence is very important to see if evolution has taken place.

SP2: Developing and Using Models

This week, we used models to show the bone structure of various organisms. This made it easier to see the similarities and differences with comparative anatomy. Using models made it easier to see the evolution taking place by studying the comparative anatomy. In class, we also used models to show the embryology and development of various organisms. By using models, I have learned a lot about evidence for evolution, and how that can help scientists learn more about our common ancestors.

XCC: Patterns

By using various patterns that have happened in nature, we can compare the similarities and differences in various organisms. For example, we can use the patterns in DNA to use DNA comparisons to see the similarities in the DNA so that we can learn more about how closely related various species are. Based on this pattern, scientists can make predictions about our common ancestors, and which species humans are closely related to. By discovering patterns, I have learned more about evolution and how we can use evidence to learn more.


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