Carbon Dioxide (4/9-4/13)


Carbon is continuously moving through the carbon cycle. Carbon dioxide is not destroyed or recycled, meaning that it moves through reservoirs, also known as "storage spaces." The six reservoirs are soil, the atmosphere, surface water, deep ocean, marine life, and land plants. Sinks are places that take in carbon dioxide. Carbon is being added through the atmosphere constantly through two different types of processes called biological and geological processes. Rocks, organisms, and materials that are burned release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide can affect the temperature in many ways. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to the greenhouse gas effect which is when gases such as carbon dioxide absorb and trap heat in the atmosphere, gradually making it warmer.

SP8: Obtain, Evaluate, and Communicate Information

This week in class, we obtained information about Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, oceans, and more from a variety of sources. Next, we evaluated the information that the article was giving us and used it to answer the questions that they were asking. This helped us understand more about the topic. Once we finished answering the questions, we communicated it with the rest of our team so that we could understand more about carbon dioxide and the carbon cycle. This process has helped us learn more about this species and understand why it is endangered.

XCC: Cause and Effect

A cross-cutting concept that I noticed this week is Cause and Effect. The cause is that when temperatures decrease, it leads to the effect of carbon dioxide dissolving into the oceans more easily. Temperatures can increase and decrease based on what season it is. For example, in winter, it is colder, meaning that carbon dioxide will dissolve more easily in the winter than the summer because it is colder in the winter. This relationship can be tested by measuring the amount of carbon dioxide in the oceans during different temperatures, which will help us understand more about the cause and effect relationship between temperatures and dissolving carbon.


This week, I was a learner. I wanted to learn more about carbon dioxide and its effects and contributions to the world we live in today. I wantd to learn more about carbon dioxide an how it affectds the world we live in, so I did research both at school and at home so that I could understand more about the greenhouse gas effect and how it works. Being a learner has really helped me understand and learn much more and help me look deeper into the topic.


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