Tectonic Plates (3/5-3/9)



Tectonic plates are the layer of the Earth called the lithosphere. There are eight main plates on the surface of the earth, and the movements of these plates cause earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes, and more. The tectonic plates are floating on top of the layer called the asthenosphere. The three main types of tectonic plate movement include divergent boundaries, convergent boundaries, and transformation boundaries. 

In divergent boundaries, two plates are moving away from each other. When they pull apart from each other, the magma from the asthenosphere fills in the gap between the plates. Some of the effects of divergent boundaries include volcanoes. In transform boundaries, the plates move past each other, resulting in Earthquakes. An example of a transform boundary is the San Andreas fault.

Convergent boundaries form when the two plates are colliding. If both of the plates in a convergent boundary contain continental crust, it is called a collisional boundary. In collisional boundaries, the plates collide, forming mountains. An example of collisional boundaries was between the Indian and Eurasian plates, which formed the Himalayan mountain range. Subduction zones are a type of convergent boundaries where at least one of the plates contains oceanic crust. The continental crust collides with the oceanic crust, causing the oceanic crust to move downwards and melt.

SP7: Engaging in Argument from Evidence

This week, I participated in a class discussion with evidence from the experiment that we conducted in class. I used evidence to defend my explanation for the different movements of the Earth's plates. I collaborated with the people from my table group to find the best explanation of the tectonic plates and some of the effects of these movements. As a team, we figured out that the Himalayan mountain ranges and the San Andreas fault are results of plate movements.

XCC: Cause and Effect

This week in class, I observed a cause and effect relationship between the tectonic plates and the effects that those plates have on our environment. For example, the movements of plates called collisional boundaries have the effects of mountains. Based on this relationship, we can predict or make an educated guess on where or what types of plates created mountains, or earthquakes, and more. This relationship has helped me understand more about the cause and effect of tectonic plates.


This week I was a learner. I wanted to learn more about the movements of tectonic plates and the effects that they have. Whenever I learned something new, I shared it with my group so that we all learned as much as we could about the topic. I did research both at school and at home so that I could understand more about tectonic plates and how they work. Being a learner has helped me learn much more and have a deeper understanding of the topic.


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