Why I returned to AdVENTURE (8/21/17)

Before joining 7th grade, I had to decide between AdVENTURE and another school called UPA. There were a few different reasons I wanted to return to AdVENTURE and why I wanted to go to the different school. I was lucky to get into the other school because only some people get in. I also wanted to go to the other school because it has middle school and high school as well, so I would not have to transfer schools again. On the other hand, I wanted to return to AdVENTURE because I had all of my friends here. I also liked all of the teachers. Something I also really enjoy about AdVENTURE is the maker lab and maker hour after school.

I realized that I was really enjoying AdVENTURE and felt like a family with all of my friends. I also liked how it was project based, but we still earned grades. I also really liked the teachers and how they taught us. I also enjoyed the program, so I decided to return to AdVENTURE as a 7th grader this year. 


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