Urban Environmental Accords in my Urban Village



This week, we focused specifically on the Urban Environmental Accords that are in the Urban Village that we created. I learned a lot about how the different accords would look in real life and how they would support a community or Urban Village. There are many Environmental Accords, and some are focused more on the environment, while other are focused on the community. There are different types of these accords, which change or create different things.

The first accord that I noticed in our Urban Village was Action 6, which is to "Implement "user-friendly" recycling and composting programs, with the goal of reducing by twenty percent per capita solid waste disposal to landfill and incineration in seven years." In our school, we have a large recycling and composting building, which is “user-friendly.” We try to encourage reducing waste disposal to landfills by teaching students to recycle and compost in this building. Our recycling and composting program helps reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills, which can help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The different materials are then sorted. 

Another Urban Environmental Accord that we have in our Urban Village is Action 10. Action ten states, "Ensure that there is an accessible public park or recreational open space within half-a-kilometer of every city resident by 2015." In our Urban Village, this looks like an accessible public park which is available for all of the people. We also have a field/PE area, where we can have different activities and outdoor clubs. Our park is also pretty big so that there is enough room for everyone. This matters so that the neighborhood has a public park or recreational open space that they can go to, where they can have fun. Somewhere they can walk to and is near.

The last accord that we added to our Urban Village is Action 17, "Promote the public health and environmental benefits of supporting locally grown organic foods. Ensure that twenty percent of all city facilities (including schools) serve locally grown and organic food within seven years." Another activity that we have at our school is a garden. In this garden, we grow local organic foods for the cafeteria. We make sure that twenty percent of our school serves serve locally grown and organic food in our cafeteria within seven years. This is important so that schools and other facilities can grow locally and organic foods that will support the community. These foods are also healthier and  better for you.

SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions

I constructed an explanation of the different Urban Environmental Accords when I showed examples of how we have the accords in our Urban Village. I also showed how these solutions can solve real-life problems to help create a better Urban Village. I designed solutions of how these Urban Environmental could look like in an Urban Village by showing how they work and why they are important.


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