Project Blog - Genetics (2/12/17)


In this project, I learned about Mendelian and non-Mendelian genetics. In Mendelian genetics, the dominant allele in a genotype decides what the trait for the offspring (baby) will be. In non-Mendelian genetics, there is incomplete dominance where the colors are blended, and co-dominance where both colors are showing, like spotted or striped.

Epigenetics is when nature or the person's choices affect what the person will end out like. If the mother eats a lot of sweets when she is pregnant, the offspring will end up with diabetes. That is an example of epigenetics and how it can affect the child when they grow up.

Mutations are when there is a change of genetic material. There are external factors, like radiation or pollution, and there are internal Factors, which are errors that get bigger over time. Mutations do not happen on purpose and are random. 

Gene Mutations:
  • Substitution (switched base)
  • Incursion (extra base)
  • Deletion (one base removed)  
Chromosome mutations:
  • duplication (extra copies)
  • Deletion (chromosomes removed)
  • Inversion (reversed parts)
  • Translocation (Part removed from one added to another)

Backward - Looking (How much did you know about the subject before we started?):

Before we started learning about genetics, I did not know how it worked and what the process genetics was. I did observe that traits in humans were not mixed, like how my eyes are not brown - green, but just brown. I did not know anything about Gregor Mendel or the other scientists to attempt to learn more about genetics.

Inward - Looking (How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?):

I feel really good about this piece of work because it took me a long time to draw the pictures. I particularly liked when we were drawing and learning about the villian, because it was challenging to find all of the recourses and things to draw. I did not dislike anything about this piece of work because it was a fun project idea.

Outward - Looking (Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?)

Everyone has different work because they had different superheros and different drawings. We also did it similar because everyone had their superhero based on an animal. The process was similar because we all did the drawings and the papers in the same order and with the same structures and functions. We also had different traits for the offspring and different origin stories.

Forward - Looking (What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?):

If I had a chance to do this piece over again, I would have taken more time drawing the organ systems for my villain because I was rushing close to the end of the project when I still had time to do my best work and research. I would also change my research on my animal so that I had more background information about what my superhero can do. 


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