Project Blog- Trash 2 Teasure

This is a picture of my newspaper basket

About the Project:

In class, we were assigned to create something that either would be recycled or thrown away.  I decided to create a basket out of old newspaper. I decided to do this because I was thinking about what to do, and then I realized I was staring at all of the old newspapers that were going to be recycled. I thought about what I could make with it, and I decided on a basket.

To make this basket, first, I made many rolls of newspaper that I would be weaving later. Then, I created the base of the basket out of an old cereal box. After I made the base, I started weaving the different rolls of newspaper together which started to form a basket.

Here are the materials I used for the project:
  • newspaper (that would have been recycled or thrown away)
  • cardboard (from used cereal box)
  • glue (for making the base of the basket)
  • tape (for sticking the roles together)


This week, I learned that there are so many things you can do to reuse things that you would usually throw away. I really like the idea of this project because if we join the whole class' projects, we probably save a lot of trash and recyclable materials from being thrown away. I hope other people will also start reusing trash and turning it into treasure after they see our creations.

Backward-Looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started?

Before we started, I knew a few ways I could reuse garbage and recycling. I used to make bags out of reusable paper, and puppet shows out of old cardboard, but I never thought about creating a newspaper basket because I never knew it was so simple to make.

Inward-Looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?

I feel good about this piece of work because I really took my time when I weaved the basket. I particularly like that you can make this basket also into a hat or a drum because of the way it is made. I am proud that I made something that is really valuable because I can keep using it and because I saved a lot of newspapers from being thrown away. Sometimes I had to keep re-rolling the rolls until they were good enough to weave, and that was challenging. What I would change is that I would make this basket straighter and try to make it neater. 

Outward-Looking: Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?

Everyone had a different idea to do for this project even though everybody was changing trash into treasure. I think I was the only one to use newspaper because there is not much newspaper these days. Many people read the news on their phones. A lot of students created things that generate sound.

Forward-Looking: What's one goal you would like to set for yourself for next time?

For next time, I would like to create a calendar so I know what is due, and when I should finish it by. I had a lot of time at the beginning of this project, but then at the end, I was rushing because I was not aware of the due date. So for next time, I would like to create a schedule for myself so I know what to complete at what time and plan out the project better.


In conclusion, I learned that there are many things you could do to save things that would be thrown away. I really liked this project because I love reusing things and making something useful out of them. I think this is a really good way to realize that there are many ways you can reuse trash, and you don't have to throw away everything you don't want to use.


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