
Showing posts from November, 2015

Symbiosis (11/9-11/14)

Image Summary: Symbiosis is the different ways that organisms interact with each other. There are three different types of symbiosis. Parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism. These three types of symbiosis explain how organisms can act. But as you read remember, all living things are organisms. Symbiosis also happens with humans and dogs, read on and figure out how. Have you ever had bedbugs, or even ticks? Well if you had, then that was parasitism. Parasitism is when one of the organism benefits, and the other gets hurt. Here is another example: The girl keeps scratching her head all day. The lice is benefiting because it is getting blood to live. The girl is getting hurt, and definitely not benefiting. The way these two organisms were interacting together makes parasitism. This is a good-bad relationship. Commensalism is when one organism benefits, and the other is not harmed. Here is an ex...

Food Chains and Food Webs (10/2-10/6)

Above is a food web Summary: This week in science we were learning about food chains and food webs. Food webs are a lot of food chains that are linked together. For example: In a food web there are a lot of different plants and animals, and it shows where they get energy from. Food webs are much more complex than food chains as you can see in the picture above.  Food chains are chains that connect the different things that eat each other. In a food chain, plants are the only living organisms that make their own food. Check out my blog about  photosynthesis . There is a producer (a plant because it makes its own food) Primary consumers (animals that eat plants), secondary consumers (animals that eat other animals that depend on plants). There is also decomposers (fungi & bacteria decompose the dead body making nutrients which the plant uses during photosynthesis to get en...

The Food Chain (10/26-10/30)

This is an example of a land food chain Summary: This week in class we started to learn about the food chain. We watched a video about the food chain, and then we had to answer a few questions. First you need to know that food chains always start with plants and end with animals. But remember, humans are animals. Humans are usually at the top of the food chain. But that does not means that they are always at the top, what if a lion ate the human! Then the lion would be at the top of the food chain. There are different types of food chains. If you want to see a full list then go to this website: . In the video they talked about the ocean food chain. The ocean food chain is a food chain that happens in the ocean. Here is an example of an ocean food chain: phytoplankton (tiny little plants), get eaten by zooplankton (tiny animals...