Symbiosis (11/9-11/14) Summary: Symbiosis is the different ways that organisms interact with each other. There are three different types of symbiosis. Parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism. These three types of symbiosis explain how organisms can act. But as you read remember, all living things are organisms. Symbiosis also happens with humans and dogs, read on and figure out how. Have you ever had bedbugs, or even ticks? Well if you had, then that was parasitism. Parasitism is when one of the organism benefits, and the other gets hurt. Here is another example: The girl keeps scratching her head all day. The lice is benefiting because it is getting blood to live. The girl is getting hurt, and definitely not benefiting. The way these two organisms were interacting together makes parasitism. This is a good-bad relationship. Commensalism is when one organism benefits, and the other is not harmed. Here is an ex...