The ACE Strategy 8/24-8/29

        Last week we were learning about the ace strategy: Answer, Cite, and Explain.The ace strategy gives you tips on how to correctly answer a question.When you Answer the question, make sure that you are completely answering all parts of it. Use key words from the questions in the responses. For example, if someone asks you what food is poisonous to dogs, you could say: 
"Chocolate is one of the foods that is poisonous to dogs."
Cite evidence from a book, and article or any other source that you used, to come up with the response, so you are not guessing. For example:
"In my book, it said that Chocolate is very toxic to dogs."
When you Explain, extend your response by explaining the connection between the information that you cited and the answer. For example: 
"Chocolate is very toxic to dogs, so they could die after eating a lot of it.
I think that the ACE strategy is a good way to learn how to answer questions correctly.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information 
      Last week we were learning about observations and inferences. We did a project, so we could understand observations. Ms. J. was handing out paper bags. She told us to take out the objects from the bag and observe them. My group got two marbles.When we were done observing, we wrote  down our observations on a paper, and shared them with the class. Ms. J. typed our observations on a chart. The other objects included small items like eraser tops,and paper clips. I like observing and writing down observations.

      During the project we were using Scientific practice number 8 because we were discussing our observations with our group. We were sharing our findings with the other table groups. While we were sharing our observations, Ms. J was typing our observations on a chart so we could compare them.



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